
Knodd Doubled Website Traffic in Six Months

Enhanced E-A-T strategy doubled organic traffic in 6 months, competing in Swedish healthcare market.

Gothenburg, Sweden
01. The Challenge

Knodd, a prominent digital healthcare provider for kids, faced a significant challenge in its online presence. Despite having a wealth of valuable medical content for parents and caregivers, the client's organic traffic had plateaued. It was clear that a new strategy was needed to reignite growth in organic traffic.

02. The Solution

To address Knodd's challenge, our team embarked on a strategic approach that focused on enhancing Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) in the client's content.

We recognized that Knodd already had high-quality medical content. However, it lacked transparency regarding the authors and the credentials of those behind the articles. We identified this as a significant area for improvement.

Our team worked on enhancing the E-A-T signals throughout Knodd's website. This involved providing comprehensive author bios, showcasing their expertise and qualifications, and highlighting the website's commitment to trustworthy medical information. We also implemented schema markup to better convey this information to search engines.

In addition to strengthening E-A-T, we developed a robust content strategy that prioritized high-value, informative articles on various pediatric health topics. This content was optimized to target relevant keywords and answer user queries effectively.

03. The Result

The strategic implementation of E-A-T principles and the content strategy led to impressive results for Knodd.

Within just six months, we doubled Knodd's organic traffic, achieving significant progress in the highly competitive Swedish healthcare market. The website began ranking prominently for critical keywords, competing with leading digital healthcare providers in the country.

The Knodd case study illustrates the power of enhancing E-A-T in healthcare content. By focusing on transparency, author credibility, and trustworthiness, we successfully revitalized Knodd's organic traffic and positioning within a fiercely competitive digital healthcare landscape. This achievement not only boosted Knodd's online presence but also reaffirmed its commitment to providing reliable medical information for parents and caregivers.

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